Enhanced Field Placement (EFP)
About the EFP:
During the fall of 2016, the USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work Department of Adults and Healthy Aging, launched an enhanced field placement demonstration project. This cohort of 15-20 USC MSW students were selected into a field practicum designed to educate students on policy and clinical practice to combat homelessness. Students were placed in different community based organizations (CBOs) in LAC, and met as a cohort for monthly trainings and group supervision on best practices, client advocacy, and discussion on how their front line work fits into the larger movement to end homelessness.
Students were given a unique experience to participate in the 2017 annual homeless count, become members of panel discussions, and engage in conversation with key community stake holders. The EFP's multi-sector approach aims to engage and equip our student practitioners, build community partnerships, and inform homelessness policy, in order to best address the problem of homelessness in LA County.
Student Perspective
"The EFP provided advanced training for me that inspired a better understanding of the root causes of homelessness from a micro to macro level. My time with the EFP and those experiencing homelessness fulfilled me at a soul level, an educational gift for which I'll always be grateful!"
"I looked forward to every EFP meeting, as each provided a rare opportunity to connect with a dynamic group of students, faculty, and professionals working in homeless services. When all of us came to the table and had our voice heard, we were able to generate a lot more of the creative and innovative energy it takes to find solutions to homelessness. As a result, I've learned to work in a way that is truly thoughtful, imaginative, and collaborative."
"Enhanced Field Placement on Homelessness helped me to build a more comprehensive view of homeless services and policy in Los Angeles. We had the opportunity to speak with prominent figures in the field, and discuss a wide range of practice topics. My work in the field this year dealt only with the legal aspects of homelessness, and much of my current knowledge of various programs for and specific challenges facing the homeless population come from EFP."