Jun 16, 20201 min

JSWE SPECIAL ISSUE: Advancing Social Work Education to Meet the GC2EH

Ending homelessness requires expanding the workforce of passionate and highly skilled practitioners, scholars, and advocates who are committed to addressing one of the country’s most significant and persistent social problems. Building the capacity of undergraduate and graduate social work education programs to produce this workforce is therefore instrumental to meeting the GC2EH.

A new special issue in the Journal of Social Work Education—guest edited by GC2EH Co-lead, Dr. Ben Henwood, and Dr. Amanda Aykanian from the University of Texas at Arlington—highlights a range of efforts taken by social work programs across the country to answer the call of the GC2EH through innovations in curriculum, field placements, and other educational experiences. Taken together, these articles provide a road map for social work institutions, educators, and researchers to amplify the movement end homelessness.

Check out all 13 articles in this important special issue by going to: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/uswe20/56/sup1
